Flexible, Affordable Electronics Education
Online courses and webinars for the printed circuit engineering community.

Current Workshops

As use of artificial intelligence in electronics design and manufacturing becomes a discussion point, it recalls a similar debate from 40 years ago on the impact of a new technology -- SMT -- that...

This course is intended to provide the participant an understanding of how design issues interact with the SMT assembly processes. How design affects manufacturing capability and vice versa is...

As most engineers and designers are aware, EMI occurs because some mechanical structure, within or attached to our system, is capable of resonating and radiating electromagnetic field energy. Those...

How do you design a high-speed digital circuit with enough bypass caps in the right area to supply all the peak power demands? You can’t listen to all the expert advice because it seems they can’t...

Printed Circuit University offers Flexible, Affordable Electronics Education. We offer online classes from some the top professionals in their fields

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